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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C2315 Resent advances in atmospheric physics Das, P.K . 1994 Earth
2250 Resins Rubbers Plastics Yearbook 1954 Mark, H. ed 1955 Industries & Building
6337 Resins rubbers plastics yearbook 1958 Mark, H. ed 1958 Industries & Building
16294 Resources environment and economics : Applications of the materials/energy balance principle Ayres, Robert Social Science
17497 Resources for future economic growth Ali, S.A. 1979 Social Science
C1115 Resources inventory : Garoltills Michael, A.M. 1978 Social Science
14155 Resources structure of agriculture : Economic analysis Cowling, Keith. 1970 Agriculture
C1974 Respectives and Recommendations Bixler, Gordon 1982 Chemistry
17628 Respiratory allergy: a symposium 1964 Medical Sci
5133 Restless universe Born, Max 1957 Physics
4512 Results of the magnetic and meteorological observation 1947 Spencer Jones, Harold. 1956 Astronomy
16958 Resupinate aphyllophorales: of the north Western Himalayas Rattan, Sarjit S 1977 Botany
8482 Retrieval Guide to thermo physical properties Research literaturre Touloukian, Y.S 1960 Physics
8483 Retrival guide to thermo physical properties Research literature Touloukian, Y.S. 1960 Physics
8484 Retrival ynide to thermo physical properties Research literature Touloukian, Y.S 1960 Physics
C1751 Review of Floods in India during the past 75 years : Perspectives Ramaswamy, C 1985 Engineering
16362 Review of Radio Astronomy 1975-1977 : A Report 1978 Astronomy
C1332 Review of soil research in India : Proceedings Managing soil resources to meet the challenges to mankind 1982 Agriculture
4163 Review of the Chromosome numbers in animals Makino, Sajiro 1956 Zoology
18353 Review of tropical plant pathology Raychaudhuri, S.P.. 1986 Agriculture
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