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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
J2871 Reviews of modern physics Tate, John T. ed. , 1930 Physics
14774 Reviews of national policies for education : Social Science
C2564 Reviews of renewable energy resources Sodha, BM.S. ed 1984 Chem Tech
16505 Revised catalogue of the indigenous flowering platns and ferns of Ceylon Willis, J.C 1978 Botany
C1354 Revisions of Indian Fossil Plants Shani, Birbal. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
18420 Revolution in science Grunwald, Henry Anatole ed 1987 Industries & Building
17429 Revolutions and reconstructions in the philosophy of science Hesse, Mary 1980 S&T
Rg-Veda-Samhita: the oldest authority for the religious & social institutions of the Hindus Wilson, H.H 1978 Philosophy & Religion
Rgvedic India : Cultural History of India as depicted in the Rgveda Das, Abinas Chandra 1980 HistGeoBiography
4071 Rheology : Theory and application Eirich, Frederick R. 1958 Physics
2692 Rheology : Theory and applications Eirich, Frederick 1956 Physics
5312 Rheology of disperse systems : Proceedings Mill, C.C. 1959 Physics
813 Rhnchota : Heteroptera Distant, W.L 1904 Zoology
814 Rhynchota Distant, W.L 1906 Zoology
815 Rhynchota (Homoptera) Distant, W.L 1907 Zoology
812 Rhynchota : Heteroptera Distant, W.L 1903 Zoology
3490 Rhythmic and synthetic processes in growth Rundick, Dorothea. 1957 Biosci & Paleontology
10784 Rice genetic and cytogenetics : Proceedings 1964 Agriculture
C1862 Rice in 2000 A.D.:Report of national relevance Swami Nathan, M.S. 1984 Agriculture
15999 Rice in Asia: University of Tokyo Press 1975 Agriculture
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