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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C978 Royal society conference of commonwealth scientists 1968 Generalia
C1683 Royal society edinburagh(1783-1983) : First two hundred ypars Campbell, Neil 1983 Generalia
C38 Royal Society empire scientific conference : Proceeding 1948 Generalia
441 Royal society empire scientific conference : Proceedings 1948 Generalia
442 Royal Society empire Scientific conference Report 1948 Generalia
440 Royal Society scientific information conference : Proceedings 1948 Generalia
2209 Royol natural history Lydekker, Richard 340 1894 Zoology
3680 Rubber : Fundamentals of its science and technology LeBras, Jean 1957 Industries & Building
19756 Rules of thumb for physical scientists Fisher, David comp 1988 Chemistry
17477 Rural development in India and other developing countries Bhattacharya, Sib Nath. 1983 Arts & Literature
17434 Rural energy and the third world : Review of social sciences research and technology policy problems Barnett, Andrew 1982 Engineering
18033 Rural energy to meet development needs : Asian village approaches Islam, M. Nurul 1984 Engineering
15683 rural industrialisation : Indian's experiend and programme for developing countries Jain, O.P 1975 Social Science
Rural urban economy and social changes in ancient India Ray, Jaimal 1974 HistGeoBiography
C1788 Rural water supply in developing countries : Proceedings 1981 Engineering
5816 Rusian-english medical dictionary Jablonski, Stanley Generalia
5577 Russian for the scientist Turkevich, John Social Science
14600 Russian-english dictionary Akhmanova, O.S. comp 1965 Generalia
10481 Russian-english dictionary of Chemistry and chemical technology Hoseh, Mordecal 1964 Generalia
14171 Russian-english dictionary of electro-technology and allied science Macura, Paul Generalia
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
