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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
15932 Relativistic quantum mechanics elections Das, Tara Prasad 1973 Physics
14210 Relativistic quantum theory Berestetskii, V.B 1971 Physics
12470 Relativistic theories of gravitation Infeld, L. 1964 Physics
10123 Relativistic wave mechanics Corinaldesi, E 1963 Physics
7158 Relativity : The General theory Synge, J.L 1960 Physics
Relegion of China : Confucianisum and taoism Wefer, Max 1951 Philosophy & Religion
12200 Relevance of models for social Anthropology: 1965 Social Science
16857 Reliable knowledge : an exploration of the grounds for belief in science Ziman, John 1978 S&T
Religion in art and archaeology Banerjee, J.N. 1968 Philosophy & Religion
Religion of the Jains Schubring, Walther 1966 Philosophy & Religion
Religions of the east Bancroft, Anne 1974 Philosophy & Religion
Religious systems of the world Sheowring, William. 1982 Philosophy & Religion
19172 Remarkable Discoveries Ashalll, Frank 1994 S&T
15502 Remarks on the foundations of mathematics Wittgenstein, Ludwig 1967 Mathematics
19486 Reminicences and reflections Patil, Shivraj V 1996 HistGeoBiography
Reminiscences about a great physicist: Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Kursunoglu, Behram N. ed 1987 HistGeoBiography
19050 Reminiscences of a mathematician manque Singh, Jagjit 1993 Mathematics
C1724 Remote Sensing Deekahatulu, B.L. ed. 1984 Astronomy
18159 Remote sensing in civil engineering Kennie, T.J.M. 1985 Engineering
16144 Remote sensing of environment Lintz, Josepj 1976 Engineering
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