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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
16029 Scientific elite : nobel laureates in the United States Zuckerman, Harriet 1977 HistGeoBiography
17952 Scientific explosion and understandings : Essays on reasoning and rationality in Science Rescher, Nicholas 1983 S&T
550 Scientific foundations of vacuum technique Dushman, Saul 1959 Physics
19330 Scientific genius : a psychology of science Simonton, Dean Keath 1988 S&T
19732 Scientific genius : the twenty greatest minds Glenn, Jim 1996 HistGeoBiography
C2488 Scientific heritage of India : proceedings of a national seminar Subbarayappa, B.V. ed 1988 S&T
C828 Scientific inference Jeffereys, Harold 1973 S&T
C1815 Scientific information in the puranas Chaudhuri, Mamta 1982 Philosophy & Religion
15102 Scientific innovation and Industrial Prosperity Allem, J.A 1967 S&T
C138 Scientific institutions and scientists in Pakistan 1958 Generalia
605 Scientific instruments Cooper, Herbert J 1964 Industries & Building
11505 Scientific inventory management Bachan, Joseph 1963 Management
13462 Scientific library resource library S&T
16872 Scientific materialism in nineteenth century Germany Gregory, Frederick 1977 Philosophy & Religion
12370 Scientific method in analysis of Sediments Criffths, John C 1967 Earth
14186 Scientific method in physical geology Woyski, Margaret Skillman 1970 Earth
10480 Scientific method: personal account of unusual projects in war and in peace Fisher, Louis F 1964 Generalia
16777 Scientific papers of Arthur Holly Compton: x-ray and other studies Compton, Arthur Holly 1973 Physics
1998 Scientific papers of C.V.Raman:scattering of light Ramaseshan, S. ed 1988 Physics
1168 Scientific papers of John couch Adams Adams, William Grylis ed. 1896 Astronomy
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