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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
1169 Scientific papers of John Couch Adams: University Press 1900 Astronomy
15800 Scientific periodicals Houghton, Bernard 1975 Generalia
19332 Scientific practice and ordinary action : ethnomethodology and social studies of science Lynch, Michael 1993 Social Science
5667 Scientific principles of the feeding farm live stock : Proceedings 1959 Agriculture
C2676 Scientific profile 1997 Mathematics
19322 Scientific racism in modern South Africa Dubow, Social Science
18126 Scientific realism Leplin, Jarrett ed 1984 S&T
17464 Scientific realism and the plasticity of mind Churchland, Paul M 1979 S&T
18396 Scientific realism: a critical reappraisal Rescher, Nicholas 1987 S&T
C2747 Scientific report fourteenth Indian expedition to Antarctica 1998 HistGeoBiography
C2226 Scientific report of fifth Indian expedition to Antartica 1988 Earth
Scientific reports Graziosi, Parolo. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
C1245 Scientific research in national parks and nature reserves Turner, J.S. 1980 Arts & Literature
11030 Scientific research in space Massey, Harric 1964 Engineering
17475 Scientific reviews on arid zone research Mann, H.S. 1982 Earth
1738 Scientific revolution 1500-1800 : Formation of the modern scientific attitude Hall 1954 S&T
19011 Scientific revolution in national context Porter, Roy 1992 S&T
17431 Scientific revolutions Hacking, Ian ed 1981 S&T
C5767 Scientific Russian Condoyannis, George E. Social Science
5069 Scientific russian : Textbook for classes and self study Perry, James W 1950 Social Science
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