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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
11376 Scientific Societies in the United States Bates, Ralph S 1965 Generalia
15498 Scientific stream pollution analysis Numerous, Nelson Leonard 1974 Engineering
15208 Scientific Vedanta Kashinath 1973 Philosophy & Religion
19573 Scientist and the Development of Nuclear Weapons: From Fission to the Limited Test Ban Treaty Badash, Lawrence 1995 Engineering
19637 Scientist speaks out : personal perspective on science society and change Seaborg, Glenn T 1996 S&T
15518 Scientists and the sea 1650-1900 : Study of marine science Deacon, Margaret 1971 Earth
16472 Scientists and world order: the uses of technical knowledge in international organization Haas, Ernst B 1977 S&T
15313 Scientists as writers Harrrison, James 1965 S&T
1117 Scientists at war Eggleston, Wilfrid 1950 S&T
16874 Scientists at work:the creative process of scientific research Wilford, John Noble ed Mead&Co. S&T
16882 Scientists in power Weart, R 1979 Physics
15317 Scientists in the quest for peace : History of the Pugwash conferences Rotblat, J 1972 S&T
15125 Scientists of the industrial revolution Crowther, J.G 1962 HistGeoBiography
1297 Scintillation counters Birks, J.B 1953 Physics
C1879 Scotlands energy future : Proceedings Hawthorn, J. 1987 Engineering
18774 Scrutinizing Science : Empirical Studies of Scientific change Donovan, Arthur 1988 S&T
14523 Sea Engel, Leonard 1968 Earth
16851 Sea : Ideas and observation on progress in the study of seas Goldberg, Edward D. 1974 Earth
16911 Sea : Ideas and observation on progress in the study of the seas Hill, M.N. 1963 Earth
14484 Sea : Ideas and observations on progress in the study of the seas Maxwell, Arthar E 1970 Earth
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