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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
13353 Sea bring forth Rudloe, Jack. 1968 Biosci & Paleontology
4392 Sea Fishes : Their investigation in the United Kingdom Graham, Michael. 1956 Agriculture
17617 Sea Floor : Introduction to marine geology Seibold, E 1982 Earth
15910 Sea-level changes Listizin, Eugenie 1974 Earth
18439 Search for a supertheory : From atoms to superstrings Parker, Barry 1987 Physics
15437 Search for order in the physical universe Swartz, Clifford E 1974 Mathematics
18669 Search of schrodinger's cat Gribbin, John 1984 Physics
Sears list of subject headings Frick, Bertha Margaret ed 1950 Generalia
1189 Sears list of subject headings: with practical suggestions for the biginner in subject heading work Frick, Bertha Margaret Generalia
15405 Seas of sand Hamilton, Paul 1971 HistGeoBiography
6680 Seas: Our knowledge of life in the sea and how it is gained Russell, F.S. 1928 Biosci & Paleontology
C107 Second all India Congrers of Zoology 1962 : Proceedings Thaper, G.S. 340 1966 Zoology
C1685 Second Australian National Prawn Seminar : Proceedings Rothlisberg, P.C.. 1985 Agriculture
10735 second book of archaeology Wheeler, Margaret. 1959 Biosci & Paleontology
9329 Second course in number theory Cohn, Harvey 1962 Mathematics
18506 Second creation : Makers of the revolutions in twentieth-century physics Crease, P 1987 Physics
15537 Second dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations Pugh, Eric 1974 Generalia
17321 Second Workshop on grand Unification Leveille, Jacques P. 1981 Physics
15628 Secret sentries in space Klass, Philip J 1971 Engineering
15406 Secrets of the sea Proujan, Carl 1971 HistGeoBiography
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