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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Samrangan-sutrathar-Vastu shastra : Bhavan Hivash Prathum Bhage Sukara, Dewjendra nath. 1965 Arts & Literature
Samred Janannath-Viracita : Samrat siddhanta Sharma, Ram Swarup. 1967 Astronomy
Samvedashainta Satwalekar, Damodar Philosophy & Religion
Samyasar : samyaprahabhat Shrimatkund KUnda charya. 1969 Philosophy & Religion
14696 Sand and Sandstone Pettijohn, E.J 1972 Earth
Sankhya Karika of Iswara Krishna : Exposition of the system of Kapila with original sanskrit texts Davies, John 1957 Philosophy & Religion
Sankrit grammar : Including both the classical Language and the older dialects of Veda and Brahman Whitney, William Dwight. Arts & Literature
Sanskrit and indological studies Dandekar, R.N. 1975 HistGeoBiography
C1971 Sanskrit astronomical fables in England Pingree, David. 1973 Astronomy
Sanskrit manuscsripts from Tibet Chandra, Lokesh 1971 Generalia
Sanskrit shabdartha kaustubh Sharma, Chaturvedi Dwarka Pras 1957 Generalia
Sanskrit-English dictionary Gode, P.K. ed 1958 Generalia
Sanskrit-Shubdarth-Kostubh Sharma, Dwarkaprasad ed 1957 Generalia
Sarabendra Vaidya Muraigal-Gunmaroga Chikitsai 1949 Medical Sci
Sarasvati Bhavana studies Dvivedi, Krsnacandra. 1967 Astronomy
Sarva darsana samgraha: Review of the different systems of Hindu Philosophy Acharya, Madhava. 1961 Philosophy & Religion
Sarva Darsna-Samgraha of Madhavacharya Madhavacharya 1964 Philosophy & Religion
Sarva-dars'ana-samgaha : Review of the different systems of Hindu Philosophy Madhava Achraya. 1961 Philosophy & Religion
Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha or review of the different systems of Hindu Philosophy Madhava Acharya. 1961 Philosophy & Religion
Sastravartasamuccaya of acary haribha drasuri with Hindi translation notes and introduction Dixt, K.K. 1969 Philosophy & Religion
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