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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
15616 SI units : Source book Ramaswamy, G.S Social Science
908 Siberian passage : Explorers search into the Russian Arctic Tolmachoff, Innokenty P 1949 HistGeoBiography
Siclclhan tasarasam graha. narendra's 1957 Philosophy & Religion
Siddhanta siromani : A Treatise on Astronomy Acharya, Bhaskar. 1917 Astronomy
Siddhants Shromani: Hindu University Press 1961 Astronomy
3632 Sidelights on the history of medicine 1957 Medical Sci
17058 Sign language and language acquisition in man and ape: New dimensions in comparative pedolinguistics Peng, Fred C.C.. 1978 Arts & Literature
9878 Significance of mathematics Montague, Harriet F 1963 Mathematics
110 Significant changes and trends in the teaching of mathematics through out the world since 1910 Fourth yearbook 1929 Mathematics
2822 Significant contribution to geoscience research in India during the nineties: a status report 2000 Srinivasan, M.S. ed Earth
C2822 Significant contributions geoscience research in India during the nineties: a status report M S, Srinivasan ed 2000 Earth
7618 Silicones Fordham, S. 1960 Industries & Building
C1325 Silver Juble physics Symposium 25th year of the Nuclear physics and solid state Physics Symposm 1982 Physics
7160 Similarity and Dimensional methods in mechanics Sedov, L.I 1959 Physics
12666 Simplicial objects in algebraic topology May, J. Peter 1967 Mathematics
9199 Simplified calculation methods of shell structures : Proceedings Paduart, A. 1962 Industries & Building
13246 Simplified independence Proofs : Boolean valued models of set theory Rasser, J. Barkley 1969 Mathematics
15679 Simulation of water use and herbage growth in arid regions Vankeulen, H. 1975 Agriculture
C1811 Singapore 1986 Sudderuddin, K.I. HistGeoBiography
C1433 Singapore 82 HistGeoBiography
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