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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
10897 Single-crystal films Francombe, Maurice H. ed. 1964 Chemistry
1659 Singular integral equations : Boundary problems of function theory and their application to mathematical physics Muskhelishvili, N.I Mathematics
SIPRI yearbook 1991 : world armaments and disarmament Stolkholm International Peace 1991 Generalia
C2530 SIPRI Yearbook 1991: world Armaments and Disarmament s 1991 Generalia
C1259 Sisyadhivrddhfdha fantra of lalla with the commentary of mallikanjuna Suri Chatterjee, Bina. 1981 Astronomy
Siva mahadeva : Great God : Exposition of the Symbolism of Siva Agrawala, Vasudeva S 1966 Philosophy & Religion
Sivaditya's saptapadarthi Jetly, J.S 1963 Philosophy & Religion
Sivatattvaratnakara of Basavaraj of O Keladi Vidwan 1969 Generalia
Six Pillars : Introduction to the major works of Sri Aurobindo MCDermott, Robert A. 1974 Philosophy & Religion
19177 Six roads from Newton: great discoveries in physics Speyer, Edward 1994 Physics
Six systems of Indian Philosophy Miller, Max. Philosophy & Religion
C1268 Sixth Five year plan 1980-85 1981 Social Science
11280 Size and cycles:Essay on the structure of biology Bonner, John Tyler. 1965 Biosci & Paleontology
Skanda Mahapurna Singh, Nag Sharan 1981 Philosophy & Religion
4556 Skepticism and animal faith : Introduction to a system of philosophy Santayana, George 1923 Philosophy & Religion
Sketches chiefly relating to the history learning manners of the hindoos Craufurd 1976 HistGeoBiography
Sketches chietly relating to the history religion learning and manners of the hindoos Chaufurd, Q 1977 HistGeoBiography
1877 Sky and its mysteries Beet, Ernest Agar. 1952 Astronomy
Slovene-English dictionary Kotnik, Janko 1962 Generalia
2094 Small Angle Seatlering of X-Ray Guinier, Andre 1955 Physics
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