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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
8264 Some mathematical methods of Physics Goertzel, Gerald 1960 Physics
Some notes on Indian artistic anatomg and Sadanga or the six Limbs of Painting Tagore, Abinindranath. 1968 Arts & Literature
Some Observations on the relations between gods and Powers in the Veda: Propos of the phrase sunch sahasah Gonda, J 1957 Philosophy & Religion
13064 Some problems of geodynamics Love, A.E.H 1967 Earth
Some problems of Indian literature Winternit, M. 1978 Arts & Literature
10046 Some problems of large plastic deformation of metals at high pressures Beresnev, B.I 1963 Physics
C472 Some recent advances in metallurgy: Banaras Hindu University 1972 Chem Tech
14232 Some recent advances in the basic sciences : Annual science Conference proceedings Gelbert, A. 1969 Mathematics
1949 Some Recent Researches in Solar Physics Hoyle, F. 1949 Astronomy
18942 Some recollections of gap jumping Barton, Derek H.R. 1991 HistGeoBiography
17403 Sophie germain : An essay in the history of the theory of elasticty Bucciarelli, Louis 1980 Physics
Sorby centennial symposium on the history ofmetallurgy : Proceedings Smith, Cyril Stanley Smith. 1965 Chem Tech
389 Soul of lodestone : The Background of magnetical science Still, Alfred 1946 Physics
10069 Sound and ultrasound Waves : In air water and solid bodies Krasilnikov, V.A 1963 Physics
13735 Sound noise and vibration control Yerges, Lyle F 1969 Industries & Building
4067 Sound pulses Friedlander, F.G 1958 Physics
16581 Source book for food scientists Ockerman, Herbert W. 1978 Chem Tech
7606 Source Book in astronomy 1900-1950 Shapley, Harlow. 1960 Astronomy
13076 Source book in geology 1900-1950 Mather, Kirtley F. 1967 Earth
6955 Source book in mathematics Smith, David Eugene 1959 Mathematics
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