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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
4204 Soviet research on remote consequences of injuries Kortkov, F.G.. 1957 Biosci & Paleontology
5467 Soviet space science Ley, Willy 1959 Engineering
20589 Space & Astronomy Scott McCutcheon. 2006 Astronomy
18458 Space : Next twenty five years Mcdonugh, Thomas R 1987 Engineering
C2496 Space and agenda 21 : caring for the planet earth Rao, U.R. , 1995 Astronomy
225 Space and geometry : In the light of physiological psychological and physical inguiry Mach, Ernst 1943 Mathematics
7218 Space and Time Borel, Emile 1960 Physics
8298 Space astrophysics Liller, William. 1961 Astronomy
8536 Space biology : Human factors in space flight Hanrahan, James stephen 1960 Engineering
15087 Space environment Langton, N.H. 1969 Engineering
10463 Space exploration Legally, Donald P. 1964 Engineering
5974 Space flight : Environment and celestial mechanics Ehricke, Krafft A 1960 Engineering
C1270 Space horizons Prakasam, K.P 1981 Engineering
11157 Space materials handbooks Goetzel, Claus G. 1965 Engineering
20485 Space odyssey Haines, Tim. 2004 Astronomy
C2279 Space of pursuit of new horizons: Festschrift for Prof. U.R. Rao Varma, R.K. ed 1992 Engineering
14454 Space physics Massey, Harrie. 1964 Astronomy
8087 Space Research Kallmann Bije, Helde. 1960 Astronomy
3379 Space research and exploration Bates, E. R. 1957 Engineering
8479 Space Research II : Proceedings of the second international space science symposium Van de Hulst, H.C. 1961 Astronomy
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