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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Satapatha brahmana Eggeling, Julias 730 1962 Philosophy & Religion
Satapatha Brahmanam Upadhayaya, Ganga prasad. 1967 Philosophy & Religion
19728 Satellite Communications Roddy, Dennis 1996 Engineering
8448 Satellite environment handbook Johnson, Francis S 1961 Engineering
19838 Satellite technology : an introduction Inglis, A.F 1977 Management
11189 Satellites of the solar system Sandner, Werner. 1965 Astronomy
Satpatha Brahmana-Madhyand in Sakha : With the Vedartha Prakash Commentry by Sayancharya and Hari Swami Yajnavalkya Philosophy & Religion
17110 Scandinavia Forbes, D.B. ed 1976 S&T
15824 Scanning electron microscopy in biology: Student's atlas on biological organization Kessel, R.G. 1974 Biosci & Paleontology
C1701 Scattered light pholoelasticity Srinath, L.S 1983 Physics
13608 Scattering of light : And other Electromagnetic radiation Kerker, Milton 1969 Physics
16658 Scattering of light : The Scientific papers of Sir C.V. Raman Raman, C.V 1978 Physics
1251 Scattering of light and the Raman Effect Bhagavantam, S 1940 Physics
13180 Scattering reactions and decay in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics YaB.Zel'dolvich, A.I.Baz 1969 Physics
Schools of saivism Sinha Jadunath. 1970 Philosophy & Religion
18718 Schrodinger life and thought Moore, Walter 1989 HistGeoBiography
Schumacher Lectures Satish Kumar Social Science
20229 Science & Civilization In China Jospeh, Needham 2000 Generalia
19185 Science : a history of discovery in the twentieth century Williams, Trevor I 1990 S&T
C1238 Science and agriculture : M.S. Sawaminathan and the movement for self-reliance Ramanujam, S. 1980 Agriculture
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