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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
11115 Special functions and their applications Lebedev, N.N 1965 Mathematics
4909 Special functions of mathematical physics and chemistry Sneddon, Ian N 1956 Mathematics
C1954 Special issue geophysical research bulletin Kaila, K.L. 1982 Earth
C1565 Special issue Geophysics research bulletin Kalia, K.L. 1982 Earth
8276 Special relativity Rindler, W 1960 Physics
5963 Special theory of Relativity Aharoni, J 1959 Physics
3867 Specially analyses Klein, G 1932 Botany
13434 Speciation in tropical environments Love-McConnell, R.H.. 1969 Biosci & Paleontology
12090 Specificity of cell surfaces: Symposium edited by Berhard D.Davis and Leohard Warreh Davis, Berhard D.ed. 1967 Biosci & Paleontology
11581 Spectral analysis of economic time series Granger, C.W.J 1964 Mathematics
C2762 Spectral theory of dynamical systems Nadkarni, M.G 1998 Mathematics
13229 Spectroscopic and group theoretical methods in Physics : Racah memorial volume Bloch, F. 1968 Physics
644 Spectroscopic properties of unanium Compounds Dieke, G.D 1949 Physics
18408 Speed and power Grunwald, Henry Anatole ed. 1987 Industries & Building
1148 Spherical hormonics : Elementary treatise on hormonic functions with applications MacRobert, T.M 1947 Mathematics
11853 Spider book : Manual Constock, John Henry. 1965 Zoology
12619 Spin wave Akhiezer, A.I 1968 Physics
C2311 Spirit of enterprise: 1993 Rolex awards Reed, David Social Science
C2571 Spirit of enterprise: the rolex awards 1996 Generalia
14820 Spoils of progress : Environmental Pollution in the soviet Union 1972 Medical Sci
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