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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C2873 Status report on the history of science in India 1997- 2000 2001 S&T
16042 Steel industry and the energy Crisis Szekely, Julian 1975 Chem Tech
11009 Stellar and Solar Magnetic Fields Lust, R. 1965 Astronomy
7983 Stellar Atmospheres Greenstin, Jesse L. 1960 Astronomy
617 Stellar Dynamics Smart, W.M. 1938 Astronomy
10025 Stellar interiors Menzel, Donald H. 1963 Astronomy
4131 Stellar populations : Proceedings O'Connell, D.J.K. 1958 Astronomy
18798 Stellar structure and stellar atmosphere Charndrasekhar, S 1989 Physics
13582 Steroid biochemistry Heftmann, Erich. 1970 Biosci & Paleontology
14953 Steroid in no mammalian vertebrates Idler, David R.. 1972 Biosci & Paleontology
18941 Steroids made it possible Djerassi, Carl 1990 HistGeoBiography
13289 Stochastic optimization and control : Proceedings Karreman, Herman F. 1968 Engineering
12399 Stochastic stability and control Kushner, Harold J 1967 Mathematics
Stone observatories in India Singh, Prahlad. 1978 Astronomy
Story early Indian Civilization Sen, Gertrude Emerson 1964 Generalia
2229 Story of animal life Burton, Maurice 1949 Zoology
7223 Story of atomic theory and atomic energy Feinberg, J.G 1960 Physics
Story of creation as sean by the Seers Datta, Bhagavad 1968 Philosophy & Religion
1295 Story of Everest Murray, W.H 1953 HistGeoBiography
15235 Story of Jodrell bank Lovell, Bernard. , 1968 Astronomy
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