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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Studies in early India Economic history Jha, D.N 1980 HistGeoBiography
Studies in East-West philosophy Srinivasan, G. 1974 Philosophy & Religion
Studies in economic life in Mughal India Sarkar, Jagadish Narayan 1975 HistGeoBiography
17135 Studies in Himalaya ecology and development strategies Singh, Tejvir ed. 1980 Biosci & Paleontology
Studies in Indian anthropology Roy, Sarat chandra. 1966 Biosci & Paleontology
Studies in Indian Antiouities Raychandhwri, Hemchandra 1958 HistGeoBiography
Studies in Indian history and culture Basham, A.L 1964 HistGeoBiography
Studies in Indian temple architecture edited Pramod Chandra,. 1975 Arts & Literature
studies in Indian weapons and Warfare Pant, G.N 1970 Social Science
Studies in Jaina art Shah, Umakant Premanand. 1955 Arts & Literature
10462 Studies in mathematical analysis and related topics : Essays in honor of George Polya Szego, Gabor 1962 Mathematics
5889 Studies in mathematical learning theory Bush, Robert R. 1959 Mathematics
C1336 Studies in nuclear terrorism Norton, Augustus R. 1979 Engineering
5627 Studies in philosophy and science Cohen, Morris R. 1949 Philosophy & Religion
Studies in prehistory Sen, D.. 1966 Biosci & Paleontology
Studies in south east and central Asia Sinor, Denis 1968 HistGeoBiography
14674 Studies in Statistical Mechanics Boer, J. 1970 Physics
Studies in the Bhagavati Sutra Sikdar, Jogendra Chandra 1964 Philosophy & Religion
Studies in the brahmanas Banerjea, A.C 1963 Philosophy & Religion
Studies in the cultural history of India Metraux, Guy S 1965 HistGeoBiography
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