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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
16034 Science and anti-science Goran, Morris 1974 S&T
20116 Science and Civilization in China Needham, Joseph 1999 Generalia
17543 Science and context : reading in the sociology of science Barrnes, Barry ed 1982 S&T
15218 Science and controversy :a biography of sir Norman Lockyer Meadows, A. J 1972 HistGeoBiography
C909 Science and creation Jaki, Stanley L 1974 S&T
C1135 Science and culture Uberoi, J.P.S 1978 S&T
16036 Science and engineering for pollution free systems Krofchak, David 1975 Engineering
C1649 Science and faith S&T
12283 Science and government Snow, C.P 1961 S&T
18385 Science and hypothesis: historical essays on scientific methodology Loudon, Larry 1981 S&T
C702 Science and India's food problem 1971 Agriculture
C573 Science and India's food problem : Proceedings 1967 Agriculture
C1055 Science and its impact on society S&T
15838 Science and Man Kothari, D.S 1976 S&T
17463 Science and morality: new directions in bioethics Clements, Colleen D. ed 1982 S&T
19757 Science and mysticism: the essence of vedic philosophy Kesavan, H.K 1997 S&T
19020 Science and quality of life Qasim, S.Z. 1993 S&T
18144 Science and religion in the nineteenth century Cosslett, Tess ed 1984 S&T
18776 Science and religion: one world - changing perspectives on reality: papers presented at the second European Conference o Fennema Jan ed. S&T
3239 Science and science policy S&T
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