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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Studies in the development of ornaments and jewellery in proto historic India Chandra, Rai Govind. 1964 Arts & Literature
Studies in the development of ornaments and Jewellery in protohistoric India Chandra, Rai Govind 1964 Industries & Building
Studies in the economic and social development of madern India : 1848-56 Das, M.N 1959 HistGeoBiography
18123 Studies in the exact sciences in medieval Islam Al- Daffa, Ali A 1984 S&T
Studies in the histories and culture of Nepal Gopal, Lallanji 1977 HistGeoBiography
15503 Studies in the history of chemistry Hartley, Harold. 1971 Chemistry
8189 Studies in the history of education Simson, Brain. 1960 Social Science
15615 Studies in the Philosophy of biology:Reduction and Reaped problems Ayala, Francisco Jose. 1974 Biosci & Paleontology
11600 Studies in the theory of random processes Skorokhod, A.V 1965 Mathematics
13132 Studies of coprophilous sphere realize in Ontario Cain, Roy F 1967 Botany
C2238 Studies on culex vishnui and other related vectors of Japanese encephalitis in rural West Bangal 1986 Medical Sci
7928 Studies on divergent series and summability and the symptotic developments of functions defined by Maclaurin series Ford, Walter B Mathematics
7572 Studies on Nordic Peronosporas Gustavsson, Arne. 1959 Botany
11247 Studies on oceanography Yoshida, Kozo . 1965 Earth
5178 Studies on the structure and development of vertebrates Goodrich, Edwin S 1958 Zoology
16943 Study and management of water resources in arid and semi-arid regions : Proceedings Gupta, S.K. . 1979 Earth
12193 Study of behavior Carthy, J.D 1966 Zoology
Study of heliocentric science Abhedananda. 1968 Astronomy
11329 Study of man: Introduction Linton, Ralph. 1965 Biosci & Paleontology
5781 Study of rocks in thin section Moorehouse, W.W. 1959 Earth
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