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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Sukraniti Sarkar, Benoy Kumar 1975 Social Science
250 Summable series and convergence factors Moore, Charles N 1938 Mathematics
1548 Sun Kuiper, Gerard P. 1953 Astronomy
16692 Sun mankind's future source of energy : Proceeding Winter, Francis de 1978 Engineering
16690 Sun mankind's future source of energy : Proceedings Winter, Francis de 1978 Engineering
C1766 Sun space and the earth : Perspectives on solar. Terrestrial physics research in India Indian National Science Academy Earth
C2368 Sunshine revolution Rostvik, Harold N 1992 Earth
20127 Super computers Rajaraman, V 1999 Industries & Building
15024 Super conductivity Chilton, Frank 1971 Physics
18569 Super massive Black Holes : Proceedings of the tird George Mason Astrophysics Kafatos, Minas. 1988 Astronomy
13738 Superconductivity Parks, R.D 1969 Physics
18598 Superconductors: Conquering Technologies New Frontier Simon, Randy 1988 Physics
9194 Superfluids London, Fritz 1950 Physics
9498 Supersonic engineering Henshaw, J.T. 1962 Engineering
C1827 Supplement to glossary of Indian medicinal plants Chopra, R.N. 1969 Agriculture
C999 Supplement to Scientific Contributions 1975 Medical Sci
Surat in the seventeenth century : Study in urban history of pre-modern India Gokhale, Balkrishna Govind 1979 HistGeoBiography
2162 Surface area Cesare, Lamberto 1956 Mathematics
17680 Surface physics Proutten, M 1983 Physics
15318 Surveillant science : Remete sensing of the Environment Holz, Robert K. 1973 Physics
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