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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
15247 The McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of world biography Cicero 1973 HistGeoBiography
19534 The McGraw-Hill Multimedia Handbook Keyes, Jessica ed 1994 Industries & Building
19880 The media of mass communication Vivian, John 1995 Management
14231 The metals of life: the solution chemistry of metal ions in biological systems Williams, David R 1971 Chemistry
16603 The metaphysical foundations of modern physical science :a historical and critical essay Burtt, Edwin Arthur 1972 S&T
18794 The metaphysics of mind Type, Michael 1989 Philosophy & Religion
16293 The methodology of scientific research programmes: philosophical papers Worrall, John 1978 S&T
17967 The mind Wilson, John Rowan 1983 S&T
16025 The mind tool : Computers and their impect on society Graham, Neill 1976 Industries & Building
17490 The mind-body problem: a psychobiological approach Bunge, Mario 1980 Philosophy & Religion
1215 The mineral resources of the world 1952 Earth
19343 The myth of the Aryan invasion of India Frawley, David 1994 HistGeoBiography
C1241 The National Academy of Sciences India Srivastava, U.S. ed 1980 S&T
C2018 The National Academy of Sciences: the first hundred years 1863-1963 Cochrane, Rexmond C 1978 Generalia
The national bibliography of Indian Literature Kesvan, B.S 1962 Generalia
19896 The national electronic library: a guide to the future for library managers Pitkin, Gary M. ed 1996 Generalia
19533 The natural history of evolution Whitfield, Philip. 1993 Biosci & Paleontology
19443 The Natural History of the Universe: From the Big Bang to the End of the time Ronan, Colin A. 1991 Astronomy
18155 The natural philosophy of leibniz Okruhlik, Kathleen ed 1985 S&T
17509 The nature and origin of the biological world Ambrose, E.J. 1982 Biosci & Paleontology
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