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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
17265 The Nature of Matter Mulvey, J.H 1981 Physics
19991 The Nature of science in science education: rationales and strategies McComas, William F. ed Social Science
19744 The nature of space and time Hawking, Stephen 1995 Physics
The nature of universe: modern cosmology Brown, Stanley B ed S&T
17108 The Netherlands Forbes, D.B. ed 1975 S&T
17969 The new astronomy Henbest, Nigel. 1983 Astronomy
18088 The new encyclopedia Britannica: the index 1985 Generalia
20247 The new penguin thesaurus Fergussan, Rosalind ed 2000 Generalia
19295 The New Physics Davies, Paul ed 1989 Physics
20122 The new research frontiers of communications policy Lamberton, Donald ed 1997 Management
The new science: recent advances in physics Brown, Stanley B ed S&T
19856 The new Webster encyclopedia : the new illustrated 1 home reference guide harkavy, Michael ed 1996 Generalia
19935 The New York Public Library science desk reference Barnes-Svarney, Patricia 1995 S&T
16102 The next 200 years :a scenario for America and the world Kahn, Herman 1977 S&T
18179 The nuclear almanac: Confronting the atom in war and peace Dennis, Jack ed 1982 Social Science
The Nyaya kusumanjali of Sri Udayanacharya Upadhyaya, Padmaprasada ed 1957 Philosophy & Religion
The Nyayasiddhanta muktavali of Sri Viswanatha Panchanan Krisnavallabhacarya 1972 Philosophy & Religion
19851 The official guide to Corel draw 6 for windows 95 Matthews, Martin 1997 Industries & Building
C3250 The origin then and now:an interpretive guide to the origin of species Reznick, David N. 2010 Biosci & Paleontology
19528 The other side of Science Pandalai, K.A.V 1994 S&T
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