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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
The oxford classical dictionary Carry, M. ed 1961 Generalia
The Oxford Pocket dictionary and thesaurus Abute, Frank R ed 1997 Generalia
The Pacittiya: Bhikkhu-Vibhanga-Part II and Bhikkhuni- Vibhanga Kashyap, Bhikkhu J. ed 1958 Philosophy & Religion
AS1141 The Pali text society's Pali-English dictionary Davids, T.W. Rhys ed 1966 Generalia
20033 The Panchakarma treatment of Ayurveda 1998 Medical Sci
19924 The paradoxes of partition 1937-47 Tirmizi, S.A.I. ed 1998 HistGeoBiography
The Parajika: Bhikkhu-Vibhanga-Part-I Kashyap, Bhikkhu J. ed 1958 Philosophy & Religion
The Parivara Kashyap, Bhikku J 1958 Philosophy & Religion
19510 The paths to productive aging Kumarshiro, Masaharu Social Science
The Patisambhidamagga Kashyap, Bhikkhu J. ed 1960 Philosophy & Religion
16778 The patronage of science in the nineteenth century Fox, F 1976 S&T
The Patthana Kashyap, Bhikkhu J. ed 1961 Philosophy & Religion
13424 The periodicals collection : its purpose and uses in libraries Davainson, D.E 1969 Generalia
The philosophy behind physics Brody, Thomas 1994 Physics
18874 The philosophy of right and left: incongruent counterparts and the nature of space Cleve, James Van ed 1991 Philosophy & Religion
15230 The philosophy of science Nidditch, P.H. ed 1968 S&T
15828 The physical biology of plant cell walls Preston, R.D 1974 Botany
7356 The Physical universe Krauskoff, Konard. 1960 Astronomy
17870 The Physician Lee, Russel V 1982 S&T
7974 The physico-chemical constants of binary systems in concentrated solutions Timmermans, Jean 1959 Physics
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