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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
19496 The scientific companion Cesare, Emiliani. 1995 Astronomy
20795 The scientific Indian Kalam, A.P.J. Abdul 2010 Engineering
8350 The scientific papers of J.Willard Gibbs 1961 Physics
1203 The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell Niven, W.D. ed 1890 Physics
A17261 The scientific papers of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor Batchelor 1958 Physics
19902 The scientist as a consultant : building new career opportunities Sindermann, Carl J 1997 S&T
19318 The sea of galilee boat : an extraordinary 2000 year old discovery Wachsmann, Shelley 1995 HistGeoBiography
19619 The Second Law Atkins, P.W 1994 Physics
19927 The secrets of numeralogy: numbers and human fortune Sehgal, Atul 1997 Philosophy & Religion
14635 The selected correspondence of Michael Faraday Williams, L.Pearce ed 1971 Generalia
16255 The self and its brain 1977 Medical Sci
19287 The Shaggy stead of Phisics : Mathematical beauty in the Physical World Olivedr, David 1993 Physics
The shorter oxford English Dictionary on historical principles Onions, C.T. ed 1956 Generalia
66 The signature in the first journal-book and the charter-book of the Royal Society 1936 Generalia
19605 The social and interaction dimensions of human computer interfaces Thomas, Peter J. ed 1995 Industries & Building
19508 The Social Implications of Bioengineering Beck- Gernsheim, Elisabeth 1995 Philosophy & Religion
16043 The social production of scientific knowledge mendelsohn, Everett ed 1977 S&T
20051 The Soft Edge: a natural history and future of the information revolution Levinson, Paul 1997 Management
C1178 The Soviet-American conference on cosmo chemistry of the moon and planets Pomeroy, John H. 1977 Astronomy
2280 The standard reference atlas Goodall, George ed 1956 HistGeoBiography
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