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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
18796 Thematic origins of scientific thought : Kepler to Einstein Holton, Gerald 1988 S&T
Greek ma thematics thought and the origin of algebra Klein, Jacob 1968 Mathematics
C1716 Theme:Bio-Energy from waste & Wasteland Sharma, R.N. 1985 Biosci & Paleontology
C2213 Theoretical and experimental aspects of valence fluctuations and heavy fermions: Proceedings Gupta, L.C. ed 1987 Physics
11509 Theoretical and mathematical biology Waterman, Talbot H.. 1965 Biosci & Paleontology
3930 Theoretical Astrophysics Ambartsumyan, V.A. 1958 Astronomy
98 Theoretical Astrophysics: Atomic theory and the Analysis of stellar Atmospheres and Envelopes Rosseland, S. 1968 Astronomy
13814 Theoretical biochemistry: Physico chemical principles of vital processes Netter, Hans. 1969 Biosci & Paleontology
4677 Theoretical electromagnetism Myers, W.R 1958 Physics
2060 Theoretical genetics Goldschmidt, Richard B. 1955 Biosci & Paleontology
4720 Theoretical physics Joos, Georg 1934 Physics
13700 Theoretical physics and Biology Marois, M 1969 Physics
15765 Theoretical physics and philosophical problems Mcguinness, Brian 1974 Physics
4124 Theoretical principles of organic chemistry Huckel, Walter 1958 Chemistry
9515 Theorie der analyschen funktioner einer komplexen veranderlichen Behnke, Heinrich 1962 Mathematics
5340 Theorie und anwendungen harmonischer integrate Hodge, W.V.D 1958 Mathematics
15195 Theories and Philosophies of Medicine 1973 Medical Sci
5079 Theories of figures of celestial bodies Jardetzky, Wenceslas S. 1958 Astronomy
4053 Theories of the Universe : From Babylonian myth to modern science Munitz, Milton K.. 1957 Astronomy
5239 Theoritical Aerodynamics Milne-Thomson, L.M 1958 Physics
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