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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
10260 Theory of Excitations Knox, Robert S 1963 Physics
5194 Theory of functions Knopp, Konard 1947 Mathematics
8357 Theory of functions : As applied to engineering problems Rothe, R. 1933 Mathematics
9924 Theory of functions : Unified presentation Toralballa, L.V 1963 Mathematics
11711 Theory of functions of a complex variable Markushevich, A.I 1965 Mathematics
7982 Theory of functions of a real variable Natanson, I.P 1960 Mathematics
Theory of group : Introduction Rotman, Joseph J 1965 Mathematics
1155 Theory of group representations Murnaghan, Francis D 1938 Mathematics
1253 Theory of groups and its application to physical problems Bhagavantam, S 1951 Mathematics
13558 Theory of groups and its application to physical problems. Bhagavantam, S 1969 Mathematics
4545 Theory of groups of finte order Burnside, W 1955 Mathematics
2068 Theory of hydrodynamic stability Lin, C.C 1955 Physics
10669 Theory of infinite series Bhatnagar, P.L 1964 Mathematics
13169 Theory of intermolecular forces Margenau, H 1969 Physics
2993 Theory of lie derivatioves and its applications Yano, Kentaro 1955 Mathematics
3224 Theory of lie groups Chevalley, Claude 1946 Mathematics
12473 Theory of linear active networks Kuh, Ernest S 1967 Engineering
Theory of linear economic models Gale, David 1960 Social Science
8516 Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space Akhiezer, N.I 1961 Mathematics
7039 Theory of linear viscoelasticity Bland, D.R 1960 Physics
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