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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
6729 Theory of matrices Gantmacher, F.R 1959 Mathematics
14205 Theory of molecular excitions Davydov, A.S 1971 Physics
9136 Theory of molecular excitons Davydov, A.S 1962 Physics
15909 Theory of numbers Iyanaga, S. 1975 Mathematics
11584 Theory of optimum aerodynamic shapes Miele, Angelo ed 1965 Physics
12398 Theory of orbits : Restricted problem of three bodies Szebehely, Victor. 1967 Astronomy
10984 Theory of ordre disorder transitions in alloys Muto, Toshinosuke 1956 Physics
15953 Theory of polarization phenomena Robson, B.A 1974 Physics
12625 Theory of quantam liquids Pines, David 1966 Physics
13613 Theory of quantum fluids Feenberg, Eugene 1969 Physics
15967 Theory of Relativety Pathria, R.K 1974 Physics
15098 Theory of science Bolzano, Bernard 1972 Philosophy & Religion
5191 Theory of sets Kamke, E 1950 Mathematics
130 Theory of sound Strutt, John William 1944 Physics
5873 Theory of space time and gravitation Fock, V 1959 Physics
11132 Theory of substitutions and its applications to algebra Netto, Eugen 1892 Mathematics
10261 Theory of superconductivity Blatt, John M 1984 Physics
12400 Theory of the Earth's Interior Takeuchi, Hitoshi. 1966 Earth
11955 Theory of the microscope Martin, L.C 1966 Physics
7166 Theory of thermal stresses Boley, Bruno A 1960 Physics
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