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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C690 Towards central government computer policies 1973 Industries & Building
13338 Toxic constituents of plant food stuffs Liener, Irvin E. 1969 Chem Tech
14891 Toxic constituents of Plant foodstuff Liner, Irvin E. 1969 Chem Tech
C2335 Trace analysis and technological development: spacial and contributed papers presented at an international symposium pap Das, M. Sanker Chemistry
19335 Trace and toxic elements in nutrition and health : proceedings of the fourth international conference on health and dise Medical Sci
12065 Trace elements in biochemistry Bowen, H.J.M. 1966 Biosci & Paleontology
4087 Trace elements in human and animal nutrition Underwood, E.J. 1956 Biosci & Paleontology
4397 Trace elements: Proceedings Lamb, C.A.. 1958 Biosci & Paleontology
Trade and Commerce in ancient India Srivastava, Balram 1968 HistGeoBiography
Trade and commerce of Ancient India Chakraborti, Social Science
19844 Trade and diplomacy in India China relations : a study of Bengal during the fifteenth century Ray, Social Science
Trade and trade routes in Ancient India Chandra, Social Science
Trading world of Asia and the english east India Company : 1660-1760 Chaudhuri, K.N Social Science
19383 Tradition and Innovation: Newton's Metaphysics of Nature McGuire, J.E 1995 Philosophy & Religion
Tradition of scientific inquiry Brown, Stanley B ed S&T
Traditional India : Structure and change Singer, Milton 1975 HistGeoBiography
17511 Tragicomical History of thermodynamics 1822-1854 Truesdell, C 1980 Physics
116 Training of mathematics teachers : For secondary schools in England and Wales and in the United States Turner, Ivan Stewart 1939 Mathematics
5233 Transactions of the plenary sessions : Proceedings Auerswald, W.. 1959 Biosci & Paleontology
5253 Transactions of the society of rehology Maxwell, Bryee 1957 Physics
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