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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
14498 Weather and life : Introduction to Biometeorology Lowry, William P 1967 Earth
C782 Weather elements: Text in elementary meteorology Blair, Thomas A 1943 Earth
7374 Weather Forecasting For Aeronautics George, Joseph J 1960 Earth
16932 Weather modification: Technology and law Davis, Ray Jay 1978 Earth
20025 Web publishing with Active X Controls Lloud, Doug 1997 Industries & Building
101 Webster's new international dictionary of the english language Neilson, William Allen ed 1947 Generalia
15528 Webster's third new international dictionary of the english language unabridged :a merriam-webster with seven language 1768 Generalia
16139 Weed Science Thakur, C. 1977 Agriculture
19941 Wenig Boston, AP Professional 1996 Management
Western colonial policy : Study on its impact on Indian Society Ray, N.R. 1983 HistGeoBiography
Western medicine in India : public health and its administration 1979 Medical Sci
863 What Happened in history Childe, V. Gordon. 1948 Biosci & Paleontology
108 What is atomic energy Mendelssohn, K 1946 Physics
15300 What is ecology Owen, D.F. 1974 Biosci & Paleontology
19080 What is intelligence 1994 Medical Sci
C854 What is life?: the physical aspect of the living cell and mind and matter Schrodinger, Erwin. 1967 Biosci & Paleontology
C2823 What is mathematics ?: an elementary approach to ideas and methods Courant, Richard 1996 Mathematics
19667 What is Reality? Venkataraman, G 1994 Physics
15124 What is science for Dixon, Bernard 1973 S&T
17006 What little I remember Frisch, Otto R 1979 HistGeoBiography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
