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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
10092 Year book of astronomy 1964 Porter, J.G. 1963 Astronomy
Year book of science and future S&T
Year book of science and the future Colhoun, David ed 1996 S&T
C195 Year book of the Royal society of Edinbyrgh 1969 Generalia
18905 Year of pilgrimage: autobiography Ramanna, Raja 1991 HistGeoBiography
20062 Yearbook of energy-environment statistics 1998 Engineering
20093 Yearbook of international co-operation on environment and development 1998/99 Bergesen, Helge ole ed 1998 S&T
Yearbook of science and future 1999 Cegielski, Charles ed 1999 S&T
Yearbook of science and the future 1992 Calhoun, David ed 1992 S&T
12102 Ylid chemistry Johnson, A. William 1966 Chemistry
Yoga art : With a Contribution by Philip rawson Mookerjee, Ajit. 1975 Arts & Literature
Yoga philosophy : In relation to other systems of Indian thought Dasgupta, S.N 1930 Philosophy & Religion
Yoga-Sutra of patanjali Ballantyne, J.R. 1971 Philosophy & Religion
Yoga-system of patanjali Woods, James Haughton. 1966 Philosophy & Religion
19809 Yogasutra of patanjali: the commentary of Vyasa Baba, Bangali 1976 Philosophy & Religion
18413 Young earth : Introduction to Archaean geology Nibset, E.G 1987 Earth
18988 Young Einstein: Advent of relativity Pyenson, Lewis 1985 HistGeoBiography
9032 Young Physicists companin Goldsmith, Maurice 1962 Physics
