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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
17515 Zermelo's Axiom of choice : 2ts origin development and influence Moore, Gergory H 1982 Mathematics
3560 Zoogeography : Geographical distribution of animals Darlington, Philip J 1957 Zoology
10813 Zoogeography of the land and inland waters de Beaufort, L.F 1951 Zoology
4016 Zoogeography of the sea Ekman, Sven 1953 Zoology
3352 Zoological photography in practice : Contribution to the techniques and art of Wild animal portraiture Cott, Hugh B 1956 Zoology
16092 Zoological society of London 1826-1976 and Beyond : Proceedings Zuckerman, Lord u 1976 Generalia
7471 Zoology of tape worms Wardle, Robert A 1952 Zoology
Zoroastrians: Their religious beliefs and practices Boyce, Mary 1979 Philosophy & Religion
8948 Zulu journal : Field notes of a naturalist in South Africa Cowles, Raymond B 1959 Zoology
