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  (i) INSA-Vainu Bappu Memorial Award

The award was established in 1985 from an endowment by Mrs Sunanna Bappu, mother of the late Dr. Manali Vainu Bappu, an eminent Astronomer and a Fellow of the Academy.

The award is to be given to a Astronomer / Astrophysicist of international recognition. The first award was announced in 1985. The award consists of a bronze Medal, an honorarium of Rs.25,000/- and a citation. Scientists from all nations are eligible for consideration. In the event of the award being given to a foreign Scientist, the international airfare will be met and he / she may be provided with cash equivalent of the honorarium in US dollars.

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  (ii) Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Medal

The award was established in 1989 by the Academy. The award will be given for international cooperation in Science & Technology and for contributions to public understanding of Science. Scientists from all nations are eligible for consideration. The first award was made in 1990. The award carries a plaque and a citation.

President INSA, shall suggest names for consideration by the Council at its meeting in December in the year preceding the year of award. The name selected by the Council shall be announced at the Anniversary General Meeting of the Academy.

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  (iii) PMS Blackett Memorial Lecture and Jagadis Chandra Bose Memorial Lecture

These Lectureships were established in 2011 from General Funds of the Academy and will be awarded to a scientist of international repute in any branch of science. The award will be given once in three years alternatively i.e. 2013 (first Blackett Memorial lecture), 2016 (first Jagadis Chandra Bose Memorial lecture), 2019 (second Blackett Memorial lecture) and so on. The Lectureships carry an honorarium of Rs. 25,000/- and a citation. Scientists from all nations are eligible for consideration. In the event of the award given to an overseas scientist, the international airfare will be reimbursed and the awardee will be provided with cash equivalent of the honorarium in US dollars. The nominations will be invited from the entire Fellowship.

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