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Anon, "International Commission on the History of Women in Science, Technology and Medicine," IJHS 17.1 (1982) 189-190.
Anon, "Third International Conference of History of Chinese Sciences, Beijing (1984)," IJHS 19.4 (1984) 414-15.
Anon, "Seminar on Source Materials on the History of Science in India," IJHS 22.1 (1987) 88.
Anon, "Seminar on Astronomy and Mathematics in Ancient and Medieval India," IJHS 24.4 (1989) 344-351.
Anon, "Indian History Congress," IJHS 26.2 (1991) 234.
Anon, "Workshop on Indian Astronomy and Mathematics," IJHS 29.2 (1994) 351-352.
Anon, "Second Symposium on Cultural Heritage, Mining and Metallurgy," IJHS 29.3 (1994) 494.
Anon, "Indian Astronomy and Mathematics Workshop - A Report," IJHS 31.1 (1996) 101.
Anon, "Seminar on the Concept of ‹unya," IJHS 32.1 (1997) 97-98.
Anon, "9th International Seminar on Indo-Portuguese History - A Report," IJHS 33.4 (1998) 301-306. .
Anon, "XIth World Sanskrit Conference," IJHS 35.2 (2000) 168.
Ansari, S. M. Razaullah, "Quinquecentenary of Nicolaus Copernicus - A Report," IJHS 10.1 (1975) 47-54.

Ansari, S. M. Razaullah,"Seminar on Indian Astronomy and Jai Singh," IJHS 26.2 (1991) 233.
Bag, A. K., "International Seminar on "Science and Technology in India in the 18th-19th Century," IJHS 15.2 (1980) 236-239.

Bag, A. K."International Symposium on 'Scientists and Peace'," IJHS 17.1 (1982) 185.

Bag, A. K."The XVI International Congress on History of Science held at Bucharest (Romania) on 26th August - 5th September, 1981," IJHS 17.1 (1982) 185-189.

Bag, A. K. see also Mukherjee, S. K.
Khan, M. S., "Report of an International Islamic Science Conference," IJHS 19.2 (1984) 197.
Mukherjee, S. K., & A. K. Bag, "XVII International Union for History and Philosophy of Science Congress

Mukherjee, S. K., A Report," IJHS IJHS 21.3 (1986) 293-296.
Plofker, Kim, "2000 Years of Transmission of Mathematical Ideas: Exchanges and Influences from late Babylonian Mathematics to Early Renaissance Science," 35.2 (2000) 165-168.
Sen, S. N., "Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Division of History of Sciences of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Sciences, Paris, 1968," IJHS 3.2 (1968) 101-114.

Sen, S. N.,"Seminar on Science, Technology and Social Change, 1900-1980. 21.2 (1986) 198-199.
Sriram, M. S., "500 Years of Tantrasagraha: A Landmark in the History of Astronomy," IJHS 35.2 (2000) 161-165.
Subbarayappa, B. V., "Symposium on History of Science of India," 3.2 (1968) 99-101.
Subbarayappa, B. V.,"Symposium on Al-Biruni and the Indian Sciences," IJHS 7.1 (1972) 75-77.
Thakur, A. N., "NISTADS-INSA Workshop on History of Science Research: Future Directions," IJHS 35.3 (2000)

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