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  Cyril Frederick Cherrington Beeson

Name Dr CFC Beeson
(Dr Cyril Frederick Cherrington Beeson)
  Gender M
Birth 1889
Specialization Entomology and Horology
  Year of Election 1930  
  Demise 03-11-1975

Cyril Fredrick Cherrington Beeson completed his DSc in the year 1922 from the University of Oxford, UK. His areas of specialization were entomology and horology. As a member of the Indian Forest Service, Beeson was the Conservator of Forests and Forest Entomologist. From 1911-42 he was the Director of the Imperial Forest Bureau, Oxford.

Academic and Research Achievements: Dr Besson laid the foundation of Forest Entomology in India on a very solid ground. The basic concepts of Dr Beeson on tropical forest entomology still hold good and are being followed in several tropical countries of the world. Beeson collected basic data on insect pests of seeds, nurseries, plantations and forests, particularly belonging to Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. The data related to life histories, generations, collateral hosts of pests, and their natural enemy complexes. He adopted an integrated approach in tackling pest problems in forests and plantations; carried out much work on the taxonomy of bark beetles, Scolytidae and Platypodidae; pioneered entomological investigations on spike disease of sandal (Santalum album) in South India, introduced lantana lace bug Teleonemia scrupulosa for controlling the noxious weed Lantana. In the field of Forest Products Entomology, Dr Beeson's contributions to insect borers of timber and its finished products still remain the source material for any enquiry from the present day wood-based industries.

Other Contributions: Cyril Beeson had a lifelong passion for Horology amassed a large collection of 'grandfather clocks' which he donated to the city of Oxford. His collections are housed in 'Beeson Room' in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford. He authored Ecology and Control of Forest Insects in India and Neighbouring Countries and the monumental treatises Clock Making in Oxfordshire (1400-1850) (1967) and English Church Clocks (1280-1850) (1971). Deciphered and interpreted Perignan 1356 and also edited Antiquarium Horology.

Awards and Honours: Beeson was honoured with the CIE in 1941 and won several medals among which were the General Service Medal and the Victory Medal and the Coronation Medal.

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