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  Bryce Chudleigh Burt

Name Sir BC Burt
(Sir Bryce Chudleigh Burt)
  Gender M
Birth 1881
Specialization Agricultural Science
  Year of Election 1930  
  Demise 02-01-1943

Sir BC Burt did his BSc (Hons) (1901) from the University of London, UK. His area of specialization was agricultural science. He was in Indian Agricultural Service (1908); and a Deputy Director of Agriculture, Kanpur; Secretary, Indian Central Cotton Committee (1921); Director, Agriculture for Bihar and Orissa (1928); First Agricultural Expert and Vice-Chairman, Imperial Council of Agricultural Research (1929, 1935-39).

Academic and Research Achievements: Burt was partly responsible for the growth and development of Imperial Council of Agricultural Research (now Indian Council of Agricultural Research). He possessed not merely the knowledge of an expert, but also organizing ability, leadership, enthusiasm and the vision to face the country's manifold agricultural problems. Many important schemes were initiated by him, e.g. plan of cooperation between universities and the Imperial Council for various research purposes, introduction of the Agricultural Marketing scheme in 1935, Anti-Locust Organization, and inauguration of the Central Jute Committee scheme in 1936. In sum, Burt played a major role in the country's agricultural growth and progress.

Awards and Honours: Burt was a recipient of Kaisar-e-Hind Medal (1912); Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) (1919); CIE (1930); and was Knighted (1936).

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