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  Frederick Henry Gravely

Name Dr FH Gravely
(Dr Frederick Henry Gravely)
  Gender M
Birth 1985
Specialization Zoology; Anthropology
  Year of Election 1930  
  Demise 1966-00-00

Frederick Henry Gravely earned his DSc (1914) from the University of Manchester, UK. His areas of specialization were Zoology and Anthropology. He was Assistant Superintendent, Indian Museum, Kolkata (1909-19) and Superintendent, Government Museum, Chennai (1920-40).

Academic and Research Achievements: Gravely was a distinguished zoologist and anthropologist. He was known for his discoveries of hydroids in which he was engaged for many years. His contributed significantly to polychaete larvae and oriental pissalidae. Gravely’s contributions to the Calcutta and Madras museums were well acknowledged. He was responsible for installing delicate Amaravati bass-reliefs and magnificent Hindu bronzes in the Madras Museum.

Other Contributions: Gravely, the researcher, was a communicator par excellence at scholarly level. He was the Corresponding Member, Bombay Natural History Society and a Member of Madras Agri-Horticultural Society, Victoria Technical Institute, Museum Conference Society, Kolkata (sometime Chairman) and Madras Science Club (sometime President).

Awards and Honours: Gravely was the President of Zoology Section, Indian Science Congress. He was a Fellow of Asiatic Society (also Honorary Secretary).

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