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  Krishna Kumar Mathur

Name Professor KK Mathur
(Professor Krishna Kumar Mathur)
  Gender M
Birth 1893
Specialization Geology; Mining
  Year of Election 1930  
  Demise 18-07-1936

Krishna Kumar Mathur obtained his BSc (Engg) (1919) from University of London, UK specializing in geology and mining. He served as the Professor of Geology and Principal, College of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

Academic and Research Achievements: Mathur’s principal contribution was to the petrogenesis of Deccan basalts. His study shed light on the genetic processes leading to the formation of different rock types. His other valuable contribution was on magmantic differentiation in the Girnar Hills. These contributions are considered works of reference even today. He also did some work on stratigraphy, mineralogy and colloidal chemistry.

Other Contributions: Mathur was largely responsible for the preparation of a glossary of geological terms in Hindi. He also served on the publication committee for mining and geology of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore (1930-34). He was an Associate, Royal School of Mines, London.

Awards and Honours: Mathur received the De la Beche Medal (Royal School of Mines, London). He was the Fellow, Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India, National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad and Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore. Mathur served as President, Geology and Geography Section, Indian Science Congress (1934).

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