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  Sir Arcot Ramaswami Mudaliar

Name Shri SAR Mudaliar
(Shri Sir Arcot Ramaswami Mudaliar)
  Gender M
Birth 1887
Specialization Science Organization; Industrial Development
  Year of Election 1930  
  Demise 07-02-1953

Arcot Ramaswami Mudaliar obtained his MA, LLB (1911) from University of Madras specializing in science organization and industrial development. Sir Ramaswami held many key positions among them: Justice (1927-35); Member, Indian Council; Secretary of State for India (1936-39); Viceroy’s Executive Council of Commerce Department (1939-42); Supply Member (1943); Chairman, UN Committee on Forced Labour and International Civil Service Board of UNO; Dewan, Mysore State (1946-49); Vice-Chancellor, University of Travancore; Chairman, India Steamship Co. Ltd. and Tube Investments of India Ltd; and most importantly Founder-President, Council of Science & Industrial Research.

Academic and Research Achievements: The monumental contribution Ramaswami made to the cause of Indian industry is the establishment of the Board and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Sir Ramaswami’s two other contributions are the founding of Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research and creating infrastructure for the compilation of an up-to-date and standard dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products, even before India attained Independence. This project later blossomed to the well-known Wealth of India. He laid emphasis on practical industrial research, and not merely scientific research in the CSIR charter of goals and objectives.

Other Contributions: He has served as Member of: Legislative Council, Madras Presidency (1920-26), Indian Legislative Assembly (1931-34), Rajya Sabha, Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, Railway Statutory Board, and Reserve Bank Committee.

Awards and Honours: Diwan Bahadur, Knighted KCSI (1942)

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