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  Lt Col Ragavendra Row

Name Professor R Row
(Professor Lt Col Ragavendra Row)
  Gender M
Birth 1871-11-16
Specialization "Physiology; Enteric Fever; Plague; Tuberculosis; Leprosy; Malaria; Leishmaniasis "
  Year of Election  
  Demise 14-11-1954

Lt Col Ragavendra Row received DSc from University of London, UK. He worked as Medical Officer, Lady Harding Hospital, Delhi (1914-19); Professor of Pathology, Grant Medical College, Mumbai (1926-31); and Professor, Haffkine Institute, Mumbai.

Academic and Research Achievements: The first Indian DSc from University of London, Row was a pioneer in medical research. His areas of research covered physiology, enteric fever, plague, tuberculosis, leprosy, malaria, leishmaniasis, and others.

Other Contributions: Lt Col Row rendered valuable services to the Lady Tata Research Scheme in Mumbai. He also served as Member of British Medical Association.

Awards and Honours: Lt Col Row was conferred numerous awards, notably Kaiser-i-Hind Gold Medal (1912); OBE Award (1919); Lord Minto Medal (1920); and Barclay Medal of the Asiatic Society. He was elected Fellow of the Indian Medical Association.

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