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  John Taylor

Name Professor J Taylor
(Professor John Taylor)
  Gender M
Birth 1884-02-14
Specialization Pathology
  Year of Election 1930  
  Demise 02-07-1958

Maj. Gen. Sir John Taylor obtained MB (1905), MD (1913), also LLD (hc) (1945) from University of Glasgow, UK. He served as Director, Haffkine Institute, Mumbai; Director, Pasteur Institute, Rangoon; Professor of Pathology, Medical College, Rangoon; and Indian Medical Service: Director, Central Research Institute, Kasauli (1932-44).

Academic and Research Achievements: Taylor devoted himself to the investigations of plague which in the early decades created public-health problem of the first magnitude. As a member of Indian Plague Commission, set up in 1908, Taylor was largely responsible for the discovery of the mode of transmission of plague by the rat-flea. He was much concerned with the preparation of plague vaccine. He also carried out researches on snake venoms and TAB Vaccine. The improved TAB vaccine, produced under his leadership, from Central Research Institute saved many civil and military personnel lives during second world war. He also authored the monographs: Haffkine Plague Vaccine, Preliminary Enquiry into Beri-beri in Burma and Leptospirosis in the Andamans.

Other Contributions: Taylor served as Editor, Indian Journal of Medical Research.

Awards and Honours: Professor Taylor was conferred many awards, notably: DSO (1915); CIE (1937); Knighted (1942); Honorary Surgeon to the Viceroy (1936-41); and Honorary Surgeon to the King (1939-41).

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