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  Lakshmeshwar Rama Rao

Name Professor LR Rao
(Professor Lakshmeshwar Rama Rao)
  Gender M
Birth 1896-03-23
Specialization Cretaceous Trichinopoly; Dynamic Geology; Palaeontology; Stratigraphy
  Year of Election 1939  
  Demise 11-11-1974

Lakshmeshwar Rama Rao received MA (1934) from University of Calcutta. He became Principal, and Professor of Geology, Central College, Bangalore, (then) University of Mysore.

Academic and Research Achievements: Professor Rao studied the Cretaceous Trichinopoly rocks which were known to be full of organic remains. His discovery of fossil algal remains in Cretaceous beds of South India led to a great deal of subsequent work. His other areas of work covered dynamic geology, palaeontology and stratigraphy. The study of Cretaceous - Ecocene boundary, which he initiated, assumed global significance. He concluded that no definite line really separates the two major Eras. His volume Cretaceous Tertiary Formation of South India is considered a landmark contribution to Indian geology.

Other Contributions: Rao played a key role in founding the Geological Society of India. He edited Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Section B) and Journal of the Geological Society of India; the latter becoming a leading learned journal during his stewardship. His works were published as a special GSI memoir, Palaentology Indica.

Awards and Honours: Professor Rao received Pramatha Nath Bose Medal of the Asiatic Society. He was President, Geology Section, Indian Science Congress (1940); Foundation Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore; and Fellow, Asiatic Society and Geological Society of India.

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