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  Lal Chand  Verman

Name Dr LC Verman
(Dr Lal Chand Verman)
  Gender M
Birth 09-03-1902
Specialization Engineering; Standardization
  Year of Election 1946  
  Demise 10/21/1979

Lal Chand Verman obtained PhD (Engineering) (1930) from University of Michigan, USA. He served as Assistant Director, Board of Scientific and Industrial Research (1940-44); Director, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi (1944-46); Director-General, Indian Standards Institution (1946-66); Chief Adviser to the Director-General, Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (1966-67); Senior Regional Adviser for Industrial Standardization to ECAFE (now ESCAP), UNIDO (1967-69); Industrial Consultant, Government of Algeria (1970); and Project Leader, USAID Project Team for the Study of National Standards System, South Korea (1974-75).

Academic and Research Achievements: Verman’s major contribution to Indian science/technology/industry is the introduction of standardization in industry. He was responsible for introducing metric system of weights and measures in India and establishing the Indian Standards Institution (now Bureau of Indian Standards). In order to ensure that the ISI mark on an article provides the necessary quality, Verman set up well-equipped laboratories for chemicals, textiles and electrical, structural and metallurgical products. A man of great far sight, he laid down all the needed safeguards. In 1958, he introduced a comprehensive training scheme to attract young scientists and engineers to turn out `Standards Engineers’. He also authored the book: Standardization — A New Discipline (East-West Press, 1973).

Other Contributions: Verman co-edited the publication Metric Change in India (Indian Standards Institution, 1970).

Awards and Honours: Dr Verman received the KL Moudgill Prize (1958), Leo B Moore Award by Standards Engineers Society, USA (1964), Sir Walter Puckey Prize (1966) and Padma Shri (1967). He was elected President of the Indian Science Congress (1969-70), First Asian Vice-President, International Standards Organization (1949-54), and Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India), Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (President also, 1960-62), and Standards Engineers Society (USA).

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