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  Kalipada Basu

Name Dr K Basu
(Dr Kalipada Basu)
  Gender M
Birth 1901
Specialization Biochemistry
  Year of Election 1951  
  Demise 29-12-1981

Kalipada Basu completed his PhD from the University of Munich, Germany and his DSc from the University of Dacca, Bangladesh. His area of specialization was biochemistry. He was the Head, Dairy Chemistry Section, Indian Dairy Research Institute, Bangalore.

Academic and Research Achievements: Basu's research spanned enzymes, vitamins, sterols and bile acids, proteins and dairy sciences.

Other Contributions: Dr Basu served as Editor of Publications, Society of Biological Chemists (India) and created a leading school of research in biochemistry. He was also a member of the Editorial boards of Science & Culture, and the Indian Journal of Dairy Science.

Awards and Honours: Basu was a Member of the Indian Dairy Science Association; He was Adviser on the Scientific Research, Planning Commission, Government of India.

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