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  Ladapur Srninivas Ramaswami

Name Professor LS Ramaswami
(Professor Ladapur Srninivas Ramaswami)
  Gender M
Birth 01-01-1907
Specialization langur Monkey’s Reproductive Biology
  Year of Election 1957  
  Demise 18-05-1987

Ladapur Srinivas Ramaswami received DSc (1938) from University of Madras. He worked as Director, Primate Project, Institute for Research in Reproduction, Mumbai; also Senior Professor of Zoology and Head, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

Academic and Research Achievements: Ramaswami’s most significant work was on the langur monkey’s reproductive biology. This study was undertaken to select a suitable monkey species that could be used as a model for studying the reproductive biology of the human female, leading eventually to population control.

Other Contributions: Professor Ramaswami served as Member of the INSA Council (1971-73); and Primatological Society of India (sometime President). He was Life Member of the Indian Society of Developmental Biology.

Awards and Honours: Professor Ramaswami won the Sunder Lal Hora Medal of INSA (1975); and also the Mrs Shantha Rao Oration of the Institute for Research in Reproduction.

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