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  Bernard Peters

Name Professor B Peters
(Professor Bernard Peters)
  Gender M
Birth 12/22/1910
Specialization Experimental Physics
  Year of Election 1958  
  Demise 02-02-1992

Bernard Peters received PhD (1942) from University of California, Berkeley, USA. He became Director, Danish Space Research Institute; and later Professor of Experimental Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai.

Academic and Research Achievements: Professor Peters made significant contributions in the field of cosmic ray and particle physics, geophysics and astrophysics. His work with Bradt established the existence of nuclei of atoms of helium, carbon, magnesium and iron in the primary cosmic radiation. Using stacked stripped emulsions, he and his coworkers at TIFR made technical advances in an innovation which led to important discoveries in the field of new unstable elementary particles.

Awards and Honours: Professor Peters was elected Fellow of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, and American Physics Society; and Honorary Fellow, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.

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