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  Handady Venkata Krishna  Udupa

Name Professor HVK Udupa
(Professor Handady Venkata Krishna Udupa)
  Gender M
Birth 10/18/1921
Specialization Electrochemistry; Electrochemical Technology
  Year of Election 1971  
  Demise 03-07-2003

Handady Venkata Krishna Udupa did his PhD (1950) from Ohio State University, USA. He worked as Director, Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI), Karaikudi, and Visiting Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He was Emeritus Professor in the Chemical Engineering Department, Manipal Institute of Technology and CSIR Emeritus Scientist at CECRI.

Academic and Research Achievements: Udupa contributed substantially to several aspects of electrochemistry and electrochemical technology. These include: (i) use of a rotating electrode technique in electroorganic reductions and oxidations, which simplifies the design of high-capacity cells using high-current densities, (ii) production of organic compounds using electrolytically regenerated inorganic reagents, (iii) direct electrochemical reduction of metal oxides and hydroxides to the corresponding metal power and (iv) development of insoluble anodes, such as graphite substrate lead dioxide anode and titanium substrate insoluble anode, for production of inorganic chemicals. He contributed chapters to the books: Technique of Electroorganic Synthesis, Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements and Manual of Chemical Technology. He has nearly 140 patents to his credit.

Other Contributions:Udupa served as Member, Royal Society of Chemists, Electrochemical Society, USA, and INSA Council (1976-78).

Awards and Honours:Dr Udupa was conferred seven awards by Invention Promotion Board, HK Sen Memorial Medal by Institution of Chemists (India) (1979) and FICCI Award (1973, 1974). He was elected Fellow of the Institution of Chemists (India), Indian Standard Institution (now Bureau of Indian Standards), Tamil Nadu Academy of Sciences, Society for the Advancement of the Electrochemical Science and Technology, and Electrochemical Society of India (Honorary Fellow).

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