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  Gian Chand Jain

Name Professor GC Jain
(Professor Gian Chand Jain)
  Gender M
Birth 1931
Specialization Physics;Electrical Technology
  Year of Election 1977  
  Demise 10-05-1982

Gian Chand Jain obtained his Dr Ing (1957) from the Technical University, Berlin. His areas of specialization were physics and electrical technology. From 1979 to 1982, he was Scientist (Director’s grade), National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi and had also held the positions of Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, and Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Rice University.

Academic and Research Achievements: With a rare background of physics and electrical technology, Jain switched over to solid-state electronics, materials and devices, after making contributions to high-current engineering. He did extensive work in solid-state energy conversion, p-n junction theory and thin metallic films. He guided research and development work at the National Physical Laboratory on the preparation of semiconductor-grade silicon and its utilization in preparing devices, optical materials, carbon products and ferrites. He authored two books: Properties of Electrical Engineering Materials and Transport Properties of Solids and Solid State Energy Conversion and wrote a comprehensive report, namely, Development and Manufacture of Photovoltaic Systems in Developing Countries.

Other Contributions: Jain was consultant to several industrial firms like Siemens, General Motors and Borg Warner.

Awards and Honours: Jain was a Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA) and Vice-President of the Indian Magnetic Society.

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