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  Jyoti Swarup Datta Munshi

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Name Professor JS Datta Munshi
(Professor Jyoti Swarup Datta Munshi)
FNA ID N80-0197
Address P-124A, Usha Park,
City Kolkata
Pin Code 700084
Country India
Gender Male
Specialization Fish & Fisheries, Ecology and Cell Biology
Service in the Council Member, 1982-1983
Qualification PhD
Membership FNASc
  Award The Chandrakala Hora Memorial Medal, 1992
INSA Senior Scientist,1996-19/07/2024
  Year of Election 1980  
E-mail jsmunshi@yahoo.co.in
Personal Website

Datta Munshi obtained his PhD (1959) from Banaras Hindu University (BHU). He was a Lecturer in Zoology, Patna University (1962-70); Professor and Head; CSIR Emeritus Scientist (1992-95); and INSA Senior Scientist (1996-2000) all at Post Graduate Department of Zoology, Bhagalpur University (1970-92).

Academic and Research Achievements: Datta Munshi has contributed significantly to the understanding of the structure, function and evolution of the air-breathing organs of teleostean fishes. His morphometric/ stereological analyses of bimodal respiratory system have indicated how changes in their relative development can be correlated with changes in the life pattern of the fish and seasonal characteristics of the environment.

Other Contributions: Datta Munshi is a Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association. He was President, Zoology, Fisheries and Entomology Section of ISCA (1980). He was an INSA Council Member (1982-83).

Awards and Honours: Professor Datta Munshi received Patna University Gold Medal (1952); SL Hora Gold Medal (1980) of Indian Society of Ichthyologists; Chandrakala Hora Memorial Medal of INSA (1992); Golden Jubilee Medal of the Zoological Society Kolkata (1997); and Bihar Gaurav Puraskar by Ambika Development Society (2007). Datta Munshi is a Member, Ichthyological Society of Japan and Society for Experimental Biology, London. He is a Fellow of National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad.

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