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  Palayanoor Sivaswamy Ramakrishnan

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Name Professor PS Ramakrishnan
(Professor Palayanoor Sivaswamy Ramakrishnan)
FNA ID N80-0600
Address School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road,
City New Delhi
Pin Code 110067
Country India
Gender Male
Specialization Ecology and Sustainable Development
Service in the Council Member, 1992-1993
Qualification PhD
Membership FASc, FNASc, FNAAS, FTWAS
  Award Jawarharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Lecture, 1994
Honorary Scientist,2007-19/07/2024
  Year of Election 1980  
E-mail psr@mail.jnu.ac.in, krishnanpoonam@gmail.com
Personal Website

Palayanoor Sivaswamy Ramakrishnan got BSc (1955) and MSc (1957) from Madras University and Banaras Hindu University (BHU), respectively; and PhD (1960) also from BHU in the area 'plant population ecology' under the guidance of late Professor R Misra. He was Faculty Member in Botany departments at Meerut College, Meerut (1960-61), Christ Church College, Kanpur (1961-62), Panjab University, Chandigah (1962-74); National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Western Ontario, Canada (1964-66); Professor of Ecology & Eco-Development at North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong (1974-86); Professor of Ecology at Jawaharlal Nehru University; Founder Director of the GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development; and Visiting Professor at Yale University and at many Australian institutions.

Academic and Research Achievements: Ramakrishnan made pioneering investigations on plant population ecology, species population adaptations and ecosystem functioning. He moved from the biophysical ecological studies to an integrative socio-ecological system analysis while working as the Professor of Ecology & Eco-Development at North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, which was later pursued with larger national and global dimensions. The knowledge system, traditional ecological knowledge linked with formal knowledge, formed the basis for socio-ecological systems analysis, with implications for sustainable management of natural resources and linked to regional development. He also guided over 50 researchers at PhD/Postdoctoral levels, leading to publication of nearly 400 research articles and 20 research synthesis volumes.

Other Contributions: Ramakrishnan worked for taking 'science to society' through many policy documents, 4 outreach volumes and 30 audio-visual documentaries, that resulted in many community participatory development initiatives like the 'Nagaland Environmental Protection & Economic Development' programme involving all the villages of Nagaland.

Awards and Honours: Professor Ramakrishnan was recipient of Pitamber Pant National Environmental Award (1985); Distinguished Scientist Award in Environmental Sciences by the National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad (1986); Swami Pranavananda Award in Environmental Sciences (1988); Seth Memorial Medal by Indian Society of Tree Scientists (1993-94); Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Lecture Award by INSA (1994); UGC National Lecturer award (1986-87); and Recognition from Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for his outstanding contributions towards the Nobel Peace Prize Award (2007). He was elected Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad (1972); Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore (1975); National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi (1991); Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) (1996); and Honorary Fellow of the Association of Tropical Biology & Conservation (ATBC), USA for life-time contributions in the area of Tropical Ecology and Conservation.

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