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  Suresh Krishnarao  Pradhan

Name Professor SK Pradhan
(Professor Suresh Krishnarao Pradhan)
  Gender M
Birth 09-06-1929
Specialization Chemistry
  Year of Election 1989  
  Demise 05/23/2003

Suresh Krishnarao Pradhan received PhD (1958) from University of London, UK. He was Professor and Head, Pharmaceuticals Division, University Department of Chemical Technology (now Institute of Chemical Technology), University of Bombay; Project Leader and Scientist, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad; Head, Chemistry Department, Shivaji University; and Scientist, Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA.

Academic and Research Achievements: Professor Pradhan explained the stereochemistry and established the mechanism of cycloalkanone reduction by alkali metals. He also established the mechanism of Stork reductive cyclization, and discovered a rare case of very fast interconversion of configurational isomers.

Other Contributions: Pradhan was Member of the Board of Consulting Editors for Tetrahedron and Tetrahedron Letters. He also served as Member of Sigma Xi (USA),and the Chemical Society, London.

Awards and Honours: Professor Pradhan was elected Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.

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